Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Reflection

Small thin grass like blades have begun to emerge through the soil.. It seems too early for such fragile green growth! Shall I cover them with mulch, I thought. No, I decided, and the growth continued! It is much too cold, hurling wind and icy rain still falling down. Those gentle little blades will surly never see flower.


To my amazement along came the buds and then the flowers. And I thought they would surly die! What a gift of hope—to see such lovely vivacious color in the midst of cold stormy weather. I remain in hibernation, yet these fragile flowers continue to withstand, cold, wind, and even snow!


Purple for royality. Yellow for hope. Scattered in the front of our home they are there. Purple and Yellow crocuses! As proud as they can be they with-stand the icy rain, cold gusts of wind and less then desirable temperatures. They bring their sign of hope for a pleasant and fragrant spring to summer.


As I gazed upon the crocuses, my mind began to drift to the cross. The color purple triggered the thought of our high priest! Our eternal father sent His son as a fragile human to give us hope and much more—He lit the way with truth and eternal life.


As a small and delicate babe, He came as a fragile child yet manifested the Great I am's intention to all man kind.


It is my prayer that today will be a remembrance to you of the hope Christ gave us! His genuine love through his most heart wrenching death to the utmost powerful force of His resurrection!





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