Monday, August 2, 2010


When I was young I watched TV shows about cowboys and Indians. Did you? I learned that the Indians heard the white man or buffalo come by putting their ears to the ground. Then of course the cowboys knew when to get ready to rob the train by placing their ear to the train tracks!

Today some people can tell you when a storm is coming. The signs of rain could be the thick dark clouds or maybe the sound of thunder in the distance! Not that long ago, I was walking our dog, Tuffy. As I walked I was have a good old time speaking to the Lord. Then out of nowhere, I could actually hear the rain come. There were no signs in the sky or the sound of thunder. Nevertheless, we hurried our walk home. As we approached the front steps, it began to rain. That little experience taught me that I could hear God anywhere I was-that is, with the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within me.

The kind of hearing I am thinking of today is hearing from God for our lives. Where do we put our ears to hear The Lord speak to us? The word hearing ought not to be taken so literally as to necessarily mean the outward sense of hearing. Rather, it denotes any perceiving of the will of God, and especially inward receiving and submission.

Romans 6:17
You used to be slaves of sin. But thank God that with your whole heart you obeyed the teachings you were given!

In order to be correct, the hearing should come from faithful observance, bringing submission of the inward acts and inclinations of the mind.

Do we send up smoke signals and hope for a response? Do we yell kick and scream until we get what we want? Do we go to a church service with the expectation of hearing from God? Do we read His word and expect He will make His wishes known to us?

Or how about hearing in everyday life? Do we come across someone and they speak a word to us that gives us an answer to unanswered prayer? Do we Read a billboard and receive encouragement from the Holy Spirit?

Or can we be quiet and still long enough to receive His instruction, edification (correction), His peace, love and acceptance? Do we journal about our concerns, joys and fears? Do we write long enough for Him to take over the pen and answer our cry?

Or have we experienced a time when we are about to do something or said something and then get a check in our belly? That is the Holy Spirit bringing it to our attention!

Proverbs 18:24
Even a man who has many companions can be destroyed. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

We are a part of the Beloved (Christ Jesus) and He is a part of us. Closer than a brother, parent or friend! We are His all in all.

Romans 2:13 RSV
Hearing the law does not make a person right with God. People are considered to be right with God only when they obey the law.

Today I pray we become observant to our surroundings and allow the Holy Spirit in to speak to us! That we awake with humble hearts and make a way for the Lord wants to speak to us NOW! Lord not only that we hear from You, but that we obey what we have heard!

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