Monday, June 11, 2012


According to Webster infusion is the act or process of infusing (an infusion of new ideas) a product obtained by infusing (herbal infusions) the continuous slow introduction of a solution especially into a vein.

A few months ago I had an iron infusion. The iron was to adhere itself to red blood cells and then stimulate my body to produce more iron on its own. Interesting? So we forced a component into my veins in hopes of something greater-a continued process of growth. The process was simple. However, it took a couple of hours. I was left sitting quietly, reading, and resting until the process was complete. Oh, by the way, it was painless!

The way I see it is we all need an infusion. We need a love infusion. An infusion of the Father's Love can be so life changing and life producing that we will not recognize ourselves anymore! His Love and only His Love can produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is combustible! His love breaks down walls, strongholds, as it heals our body, our mind, and redeems our soul. His love changes our character, our will, our mind, and our desires. It is painless. All we need to do is sit quietly reading His Word and resting in His Spirit until the process of infusion has taken place!

Just as the body has to respond in a positive way to an infusion, we are also to respond to the infusion of our Father God's Love. It so happened that my body did not respond well to the iron infusion. But when it comes to the Love of the Father and Jesus well then I yield and get tanked up! How about you?

Today I pray we all are infused with the Father's Love, that same Love that Jesus had for us all. Lord, I will sit quietly, read, and rest until the infusion is complete for today.

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