Monday, January 28, 2008

You Are NEVER Alone

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses.— Hebrews 12:1

At times you may have wondered, Has anyone else ever experienced the kinds of problems I've experienced, or am I out here all alone?

Who cares what Hebrews 11 says about the awesome predicaments people were in and how faith got them through.  All these Old Testament stories about struggling and waiting on God to see them through, baaa hum bug. 

So what, they had to challenge their faith.  Yeah, but they never gave up!  They endured great hardship before they received a victory!  That Got My Attention!

We are not alone,  "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us" (Hebrews 12:1).

Come on… the Bible is piled high with people who stood in faith and endured difficulties in order to do the will of God. We are surrounded on every side with powerful examples of people who were challenged in their faith, yet who held fast to the Word of God. And as a result, saw God's promises come to pass in their lives!

Just as well as our own….  May we become a witness to others so they can withstand and come through trials….May you inspire me to continue on may I inspire you to what God has for me.

You are not alone!

  • Look at Noah and the fight he endured.
  • Look at Abraham and the fight he endured.
  • Look at Sarah and the fight she endured.
  • Look at Jacob and the fight he endured.
  • Look at Joseph and the fight he endured.
  • Look at Moses and the fight he endured.
  • Look at Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jepthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets and the fight they all endured.

    According to Hebrews 12:1, there are so many people who fit this description that they are literally all around you.. And don't think you can only look to the Bible for these godly examples.. If you look closely, you'll see that there are huge numbers of these "never-give-up" kind of people living on this earth right now as well. You are not alone in your walk of faith!
  • Look at Dick and Dianne overcoming illness, financial struggles…..
  • Look at Nancy overcoming life's trials
  • Look at Paul and Brenda
  • Look at Charlene overcoming a near fatal accident
  • Look at Felice

Get the gist of what is happening… We are all living out the Biblical Principals and acquiring those promises He has for us.

Don't let stinking thinking or others tell you that you're the only one who has faced this kind of circumstance, because many have gone before you who have faced the same battles and won great victories. If you'll commit a few minutes of your time to read Hebrews 11, I believe you'll find that your battle isn't worse than the battles these saints fought and won. Reading these verses will encourage your heart!

Don't give up nor give into defeat.  Hard times will pass, and hard times are sure to come.  When all else fails….stand and stand you will firmly in and on the Word and you will see the Lord do mighty works in your life.  Remember you are not alone, for Christ Himself is carrying you through!

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