Sunday, May 18, 2008

There is a Time for You to Be Inflexible and Unmoving!

Maybe you have been muttering to yourself, "Come on! I have waited and waited for my dream to come to pass. God has not done anything I thought He was going to do. I have seen others blessed; I have seen others healed.. But, I am still sitting here with the same old unanswered prayers. I am sick of it all! I am not going to believe and wait any longer. Forget it — I am letting it all go!"

If this sounds like you, I want to encourage you to read Hebrews 10:23.
"Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise." (NLT)

To hold fast—is like fastening yourself like superglue to the word He has promised. Waver is a powerful word in this verse of Scripture. You could say the palm trees "waver" or sway in the pleasant summer breeze. When I arrived here in Florida the day after hurricane Charlie hit it in August of 2004, it was evident that even the steel utility poles had wavered! They were bent over as if they melted; they had bowed and given up under the pressure of the winds.

Those were strong, heavy-duty poles that had wavered and given into the power of Charlie. It has been my experience that even in God when we feel we are the strongest we might be weak in our faith. This scripture tells us to profess, confess, and testify to our faith without wavering. Therefore, be stable and enduring at all times in your walk with God.

We can also become so tired we can barely stand under the pressure of this world and its unbelief. Some ultimately become so exhausted they throw in the towel and give up. Have you ever heard of the term couch potato? ( That "give-up" attitude can cause one to become just that. Do not let people or circumstances affect you so you become so weary you choose to lay it all down and become depressed!

God is telling us to be the opposite. Do not be lazy. Instead, your attitude should become unbending, unchanging, fixed, stable, and unmoving. In other words, we have too much invested to give up. We must refuse to budge an inch on what we are believing to see or to receive by the spirit!

Many years ago now, Dr. Robert Schuller, made a statement and I believe he even wrote a book about Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! Let's get tough.

Let us confess together:

"Lord I am clung to You and Your Word like super-glue. I am embracing Your move and taking hold of who You made me to be. I am rejecting all things contrary to Your Word. I am marching forth rejecting all attempts of anyone or any circumstance that tries to steal it from me. Lord allow me NOT to be fickle in my commitment but determined to be inflexible and unmoving from that which I believe and confess."

 As long as you are energized by faith, you will keep moving in a forward direction. However, the day you let loose of your faith and back off your position, it will not be too long until a spiritual sadness will come over your life. Spiritually speaking, your shoulders will slope, your head will drop, and you will feel like someone pulled the plug on your energy level. Your eyes will drift toward being that couch potato and soon you will end up completely giving up on your faith!

Do not let that happen to you! What God promises, He will perform. It may take a while for that promise to manifest, but eventually it will come. In the meantime, you must choose to believe He will do what He has promised. That is the key! You must set your heart and commit your will, making an irrevocable decision to believe His Word regardless of how you feel, what you think in your natural mind, what others say, or how circumstances look.

It is time for you to realize you have too much to lose! Dig in your heels, widen your tent of faith and drive down your stakes, and tell the devil you are not going to move from your position of faith! Aggressively choose to believe that what God has promised, He will always do. Once you have made that kind of life changing decision, it is only a matter of time before you will be rejoicing!

When you finally put your foot down, the devil will stop uttering his lying accusations and he will flee from you. You will be mightily blessed and very thankful that you did not give up when you see the confession of your faith finally manifest!

When our children were growing up, it was so easy just to give in to their whims and desires. Just keep the peace Dianne. Yet somehow, for their own good, Dick and I dug in our heels and remain unmovable about some issues. (for example: on manners, eating habits, even attending Church on Sunday-no matter what was happening in their lives). Hindsight tells us we did the right thing. All our children put God first in their lives and are rearing their children, to some extent, as we reared them.

I am telling you we must be the same with our own relationship with the Lord. Get stubborn and fixated on what the Lord has promised and He will come through for you! May the joy of the Lord be your strength!


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