Saturday, March 21, 2009

Don't Let anyone steal your DREAM!

 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised).

—Hebrews 10:23


What do you want God to accomplish through you in this life? What are the dreams and aspirations you think about--day-dream about? For some of us we think the time of dreaming of future things to do and accomplish are over. Yet in these years of our life I believe we have not begun to walk out in what God has in store. Have you considered the possibility that these daydreams may in fact be the will of God for your life — dreams He placed deep down inside your spirit that are starting to be awakened? Is it possible that this is the timing for God's dream for your life to be ignited in your soul?


Dreams are powerful. They usually seem impossible at first, but those who dare to do the impossible are the ones who eventually see the impossible come to pass in their lives. This is more than PMA (Positive Mental Attitude). It is one way the Lord awakens our minds to His purpose. Everything great starts as a dream. Consider the example of Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham our spiritual forefather and, yes, consider Jesus! Their dreams came to pass, and they changed the course of human history.


What if these brilliant men had given up and given in to discouragement? What an honor they hold in their lives and in the future for all of us!


There are many biblical examples of individuals who had a dream. For instance, let's consider the dream God gave Abraham — called the father of our faith — regarding a new land and a new people. Abraham and his wife had long been infertile and unable to conceive a child. When God first spoke to him about the son He would give him, the thought of having a baby probably seemed like an unattainable fantasy to them. They could have asked themselves, Is this really the plan of God for our lives, or is this a hallucination? How about Peter and his vision of the sheet and the unclean animals? Did that not open a new avenue of Ministry for him?


At any moment, it would have been so easy for Abraham and Sarah to say, "Enough is enough! Pack it up — we're going back home to the city of Ur!" But instead of giving in to defeat and discouragement, they held tightly to the dreams God had put in their hearts and kept pursuing those dreams until they had witnessed their fulfillment. It would have been easy for Peter to say forget that vision, considering it as a pizza dream, and not deliver the Gospel to the Gentiles!


If you want to see the dream God has given you fulfilled in your life, it is imperative that you have this same attitude. As Hebrews 10:23 says, stand in the Word of God and know in your heart what He has promised you!


When we hold fast to a dream, we take it and lock it into our heart of hearts.. We water it with the Word of God and we nourish it with a plan and unique loving desire to serve. God told us to subdue the earth. We are also to take those dreams and make them adhere to the Word of God.


When I get a dream I take possession of it; I own it. I might not know all the particulars but I do know if it is meant to be it is up to Thee!


This is the attitude you must have if you want to see your God-given dream come to pass. You have to wrap your arms around that word from God and never stop believing and pursuing your dream until it comes to pass. Don't let your dream get away from you! Hold on until it comes to pass for you!


The word katecho in Hebrews 10:23 could be interpreted this way:

And let us hold fast to our confession, tightly wrapping our arms around it and embracing it with all our might, rejecting all attempts of anyone who tries to steal it from us."


When you finally discover God's will for your life — when His plan finally begins to awaken in your heart and you know exactly what you are to do — hold fast to that dream. Tightly embrace what God has shown you. Seize it — wrap your arms of faith around it. Hold it down, and hold it tight!


Whenever you are tempted to get discouraged, give up, and release your dream, remember Abraham and Sarah. Although it took them some time to receive their dream of a son, and although they had to overcome titanic hurdles along the way, they refused to let go of that dream and eventually saw it come to pass. In the end, they discovered that their dream was not a hallucination; it really was a word from God!


If you'll hold tight and refuse to let go of YOUR dream, it will just be a matter of time until you see it come to pass! Place all your weight on top of that dream so that NOTHING can steal it away from you!

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