Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's Be REAL

The Real deal!  

Real to me means to be honest, no masks, no faking it till you make it! All I know is that I want to be the Real Thing, Genuine, and pleasing to God. To me, that is real.


Well the other day this acronym came to mind. It will definitely help us to remain, become, and grow in His reality.




Reach for the Love of the Father. When we are open to receiving God's love anything is possible.




Experience the Love of the Father. I can not think of a more excellent way to become transformed into the image and likeness of God Himself. His love is everlasting, forgiving, encouraging and life changing.




Activate the Love of the Far in our lives. Just because the Father first loved us we in turn Love ourselves as He loves us. When that takes hold in our lives, we are able to LOVE others as He loves them. Remembering too that Perfect Love casts out all fear!




Live a life that remains in His Love. What a comforting bubble to be in, secure and nested within the Lord Himself, perfectly confident of that Love, so confident that no man can take away what the Lord has done, is doing, and will accomplish within us and for us!


So the next time someone tells you to be real, let R E A L letn it be a reminder of LOVE of God does all things! 

 Let us all be REAL.

Love you all, Dianne


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