Sunday, February 21, 2010


We have been listening to other preachers lately and it has been a joy! One pastor's sermon was titled "Money Talks" As I sat and listened, I thought how brave he was to speak so frankly about our money and possessions and how we prioritize where we spend/save/ or horde our money. I do not know about you, but I know I have some warped thinking when it come to Dollars and Cents! "It is mine" just like "My house", "My car", "My dog", My cloths", and of course "My money" to do what pleases me, myself and I. Gee I do sound like a two year old, don't I. I wonder if I am alone in this department. Life is all about Me, Myself, and I and that perspective must change in order for the Lord to rule my life! Yours too!

We are here on borrowed time; hopefully we have enough to redirect our priorities into His Priorities for us. Lord I want to see the fullness of Your provision for my life, the earth, and all that is in it! All those things you have given us the privilege to manage until you return for us. Show us all Lord how to be the good stewards of your possessions, in Jesus name we all pray.

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