Monday, October 24, 2011

Jesus Rocks!

It is rock as in spectacular, awesome, wonderful and marvelous! Jesus is the "Best", He rocks!
Jesus is more powerful than a lightning bolt, a tsunami, a category 10 earthquake. Jesus rocks!

Just as He came to rock the foundations of the Pharisees-traditions, superstitions, and religious rights. He still comes today to rock us! He has come to defy all human odds teaching us a new divine way of life.

When Jesus spoke, things happened. Things began to ROCK! He said things like "be healed, go wash, wither and die (to the fig tree), and go sin no more". Notice when His spoken word was released it caused change! It caused others to consider their beliefs and still others to stop what they were doing and follow Him! That same power and authority has been given to us. Does that "rock" your foundations?

All we are and have that is not of our loving Father is to be shattered and destroyed. All we believe, our traditions and our theology, that does not line up with Jesus' teachings and what Holy Spirit is guiding us through is going to perish.

Jesus came to rock our very foundations-personally and that of the organized church! He came with a two edged sword. "He says " Pick up your mat and follow me!" That mat being an infirmity and sin, becomes the platform on which His spirit can love and release the captives. "Jesus rocks" through you and I!

He came to rock you and I and all that dwells in our land. He came to secure our foundations and become our Rock-the cornerstone in which we are to build His temple within.

Peaceful and Holy we shall be without spot or wrinkle, innocent and wise with knowledge far beyond our human means.

So there are three types of "rock". There is a rock that is awesome wonderful and divine in nature, a rock that destroys, divides and conquers all evil, and the Rock, our cornerstone that loves and builds a temple pleasing to our loving Father.

Now He calls us to rock this earth and all that dwell in it. Call those things forth that are not! Say to the mountain be removed and it shall move. Walk, talk, and live as Jesus lived and died. He taught us well.

Live a life with your foundation built upon the rock of Jesus. Become the image and likeness of Him who created us. All things are possible for those who call upon and believe in the "Rock" of their salvation-Jesus the Christ!

Think upon these things my friends-He will be back to collect His bride! Are you ready?

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