Monday, December 31, 2012

My Fickle Life

In my fickle life, I know it is His amazing love that was shed for me. It is in my weakness that He shows Himself valiant in my life. In these days of weakness I manage to delve into the inner most parts of Holy Spirit. When I am in this beautiful place I allow Him to carry me. Yes, we need to allow Him, receive His grace-resilient power strengthens us. He is walking alongside us waiting for that invite so He can carry us thru to the other side.

So in and of myself I am nothing but flesh and blood with human ties and bonds. It is He who gives me purpose for life-He shows me the way by lighting my path. So each day I approach His throne open minded offering myself and my mere circumstances and trade it for His companionship-His grace and purpose.

Use me Lord. Let your will be done in my life and in the lives of those I influence. You Lord get all the glory. I exist to give your life, death, and resurrection meaning to those walking in darkness. I am here to be your instrument to produce fruit. Lord Jesus bring me to the Father and show me blameless without spot or wrinkle. All because of Your personal sacrifice my journey whether easy or at times hard and gruesome will bring about fruit to shine your presence.

Today I pray that all our days bring you pleasure fulfilling your call and purpose in our lives. We give you thanks Lord for your truth and righteousness being brought forth in our lives whether the evidence is evident or hidden we praise you Lord. Thank you for your life's example to us. Today we pray for courage, boldness and for an infusion of more of your Love and Power! Amen.

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