Monday, April 1, 2013


His grace can only work through our humility; that is letting go of our self and allowing God to work it all out. Humble yourself in the site of the Lord and He will lift you up.

Then our faith is in place by believing. Faith a decision to believe-if you will. He will provide-Grace-Wisdom and Knowledge we need for living. It is His grace that allows us to the other side of our challenges, pain and yes our every day circumstances

What an exciting life of faith, linked with obedience-all things are possible. Where faith is activated fear is released. We then can live in another realm and become water walkers like Peter.

Have you ever taken for granted a person or a community or organization? I have taken my husband for granted. I just expect him to take care of my medical, physical and financial needs. Tall order wouldn't you say? After listening to pastor speak on servant hood, I was gently convicted by the words Holy Spirit ignited in pastor's talk. What a wonderful gift my servant husband really is. See, I was choosing my desires not giving any regard to what the Lord has provided me through my husband.

Tell you what...when I let go of myself and see how faithful and loving my 'servant' husband is I am able to release "self'. You and I can grab hold of God's Grace and never turning our backs on His faithfulness.

I came to an understanding that I am not the most important individual on this planet. However, God's plan and purpose for me is! How is your understanding of His Grace, His will and His faithfulness in your life?

Our God can never fail. He proves Himself time and time again. As for myself, I see His grace at work in the manner I am living through adversity and I see His grace working in my husband. How he cares, prays and watches over my every need.

Today trust is easy when all you can see is the Lord's marvelous intervention in our lives.

Lord I pray this day for Your power to cause us hope in you. Lord cause our Trust in you to grow. Turn us into water walkers, full of faith in you. Let there be more of you in us and less of self. In Jesus Name.

PS: Embrace your brokenness of sickness weakness and of emotional hurts, etc. When we do we can look up into the Loving eyes of God and declare "Your grace is sufficient for me and Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Therefore, embrace your weakness and boast about the Christ's power that resides in us all. (2 Corinthians 12:9)


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