Thursday, January 1, 2009

Fear has No Place in us!

For God did not give us the spirit of fear (timidity); but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (self-discipline). 2 Timothy 1:7 NIV


But right in the midst of all this, events have occurred throughout the earth that have shaken the nations of the world and filled men's' hearts with fear. I am convinced that part of this worldwide assault has been the devil's attempt to put believers in fear so they will retreat from this worldwide Gospel advance. Although we need to be wise and do what we can to protect ourselves in times such as these, we do not need to react in fear. Fear is never the answer, for it results in blurred thinking and bad decisions.

God's Word promises us a sound mind if we will claim it. When Timothy was facing hard times, Paul told him, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" 2 Timothy 1:7 NIV.

Our mind is saved and protected by the blood of the lamb. A sound mind is just the opposite of a mind given to fear, panic, or unfounded and unreasonable thinking.

Because God has given us a sound mind, we can think correctly about how to live in these last days — a time that 2 Timothy 3:1 predicts will be "perilous." No matter how difficult, dangerous, or filled with risk our life may be we shall have a sound mind..No matter what difficulty, danger, or risk the future may have in store, we will be victorious.

Living in the last days requires that we have a greater sensitivity to the Spirit of God. Romans 8:14 declares that one of the privileges of being a son of God is that the Spirit of God leads us. That is the hand of God is being extended to us to gently lead us on. With the confident assurance of the Faith we may go.

In these last days, we must be led by the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit will lead us only if we give Him this right. Oh, how many times the Spirit of God has wanted to be our Leader, but we went our own way and ultimately suffered the consequences! He knew exactly how to lead us past every attack. He knew how to avoid each strategy of the devil.

Jesus said (John 16:13) that the Holy Spirit would show us things to come and He would guide us through the safest route. This scripture comes to mind: He will tap us on the shoulder and say "Go ye this way and walk in it"

The Holy Spirit knows the future and wants to enlighten us with all the information we need in every situation. This is part of His ministry to you and me.

If the Holy Spirit speaks to you and tells you to do something specific, then obey Him! Do you remember when the death angel passed through Egypt and took the firstborn of all the Egyptians? The reason Israel was unaffected was that the Israelites obeyed the instructions God gave them to put blood on the doorposts of their houses. They brushed that lamb's blood on the doors of their homes just as God had ordered. Later when the death angel came, he passed by every home where he saw blood on the doorposts. In the end, not one of the Israelites was touched! They found protection in their obedience to the Word of God.

As we obey the Word of God and listen to the Holy Spirit's leading, we will have wisdom to know every step we need to take in the days ahead. All we have to do is obey God's instructions, and He guarantees us blessing and provision even in difficult times. But if we try to take another approach, there is no guarantee for us to claim. We must do what God says if we want to be assured of His divine blessing and protection.

 I want to encourage you to increase your level of faith, especially if you are facing challenging times. Stand on the Word of God; exercise your faith; listen to the Holy Spirit; and obey what He tells you to do. As you do these things, God's supernatural blessings will kick into action, and you will soon find a river of supernatural provision flowing to you. Don't wait on man's direction for your life. Listen to that still small voice within, and follow His Lead.

There is no doubt that we are living in some of the most challenging days the world has ever seen. But you can face these times victoriously because God has given you a sound mind. He has given you the promises of His Word and He has given you the leadership of His Spirit. Never has there been a more crucial time for you to operate in faith rather than fear and to believe for a mighty move of God to take place on this earth!

Get into that quiet place. Rest in His peace and be led by His Spirit, which dwells within. May the Lord lead and guide you into all truth!

2009 will be like a fine, fine wine

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