Monday, July 5, 2010

As Easy As One, Two, Three

It's a piece of cake
Walk in the park
No sweat

I am sure these one-liners bring something to your remembrance. They certainly do that for me.

It's a piece of cake! I remember that being spoken by my accounting professor at Bryant College years ago. But when he referred to that saying I knew I was not in for a "sweet treat!" For me that one liner was associated with an accounting stumbling block.

Then of course "Walk in the park" sent me on a daydream path of peace admiring the beautifully scented flower beds, the chirping of birds, and the sound of a babbling brook. No place to go and nothing to be accomplished except to observe and enjoy the God created surroundings.

Last but not least is the famous saying "No Sweat" that usually was accompanied by, "Mom, I got it covered!" Knowing my growing teenage boys back then that usually meant I should pay close attention and be ready to pitch in at any time.

Today, the Spirit of God has been giving me a new understanding of walking with and being obedient to Him. And I know that you as well as I just love and live for the Lord. How can we not?-For He so dearly loves us so. Since the beginning of our existence He has called us His own, calling us his beloved, children, friend, and now His Bride!

So for me I know living a life with the Holy Spirit is a "piece of cake" and sweeter than any triple chocolate cake I could ever sink my teeth into. A sweet taste of the Holy Spirit's leadings and teachings keeps me thirsty and obsessed for more.

We can just live in the eye of the storm. It is a place of serenity and peace where the Son of God is revealed; a retreat to the inner secrets of God Himself.

Yes, it all happens in the course of our daily lives. No Sweat! Remain humble in His sight knowing all strength, wisdom, love, and power is doled out from above. Matter of fact, the Holy Spirit is waiting for us now so that He can lavish us with gifts beyond our imagination. That way of life is awaiting us so that we can live at peace where there is no peace. It is that place in Christ Jesus where we are righteous and holy. Let us go up to the mountain and live in the spirit today and every day for the rest of our lives!

We can do that because it is not by our power or our might but by HIS strength says the Lord our God.

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