Monday, February 25, 2013

The Old Has Passed Away

Worship from the depths of your soul. In thanksgiving we approach the throne room of grace. With a contrite heart we extend our lives to you O God; for there is none like you. No one person can provide or profess their loving kindness the way you do.

Through trials and adversities we come to express our gratitude and receive your joy-- Our walk is strengthened and our angry hearts desires are put to rest in Your abiding Love.

Today I lay it all at your feet--Lord--wanting to be molded into the woman you called me to be.

Experiencing--pain--grief draws me closer to you, Lord. You have sent many to support me. Praise your name. Prayers--deeds and friendships has been extended from around the world. Your mighty hand is upon me and all those who call out your name. My loved ones family members and friends are experiencing your marvelous touch. It is You changing hearts and mending relationships

There is nothing like Your Love--Power-- Peace and Inner Joy to bring about the workings of the Holy Spirit. Today, Lord we pray for more mercy for those times of doubt and restlessness. In those times of doubt and anxiety we reach up to touch YOUR Peace. You are bringing about a new man, a new woman, proclaiming YOUR Name and YOUR workings throughout the land. Amen. The old has passed away and the new has arrived!

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