Friday, December 28, 2007


This is a special time of year for me. It is the midterm, or you could say is the bridge between Christmas and New Years. But for me it is not about the bridging as much as it is about the growing into a stronger spiritual being. It is a time of reflection and a time of taking stock of the year's blessings, and the shortcomings in my life.

Thanking is a great part of my life. Thanking people, thanking the nature of life's circumstances and most of all thanking my heavenly Father for all He has done. I pray that I become more humble and obedient to the Father's call.

The Lord has taken the hurts I licked and nurtured and turned them into His loving heart. You got it. I was enabled to override my ego, my fleshly nature that encourages hurt, un-forgiveness and resentment to grow. I allowed the work of the Holy Spirit to flood my soul so I could receive love and give love to those who continue to try to pull me away from His Grace and purpose!

You might have areas in your life where you have allowed the Father to love you into wellness. Maybe you still have other areas where you need His Grace to touch! I know by taking stock of my past year and applying the Word to those still hidden hurts within, the gates of 2008 will open in my life.

Love attracts love. Peace and Joy are present in our lives when we can live free from the bondage of hurts. Harmony with my spirit man exists when I accept people and life as is.

Let us have communion with the Father.
Let us unite with the Christ within.
Let us allow this union to create an indestructible bond!

Lord, open the flood gates of 2008.
Let us not be late! Nor tolerate—those things not of Him.

Let us love to over flowing, as we rejoice in
His gates of refreshing
His gates of opportunity
His gates of setting us free
His gates of the NOW!

Knowing we are His and He is ours!
Our desires have been instilled within
Causing 2008 to be GREAT!

Remain steadfast in the Lord!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I am who I am?

As I think about my life, my children, my husband, and my possessions, I realize they do not make me who I am. I'm so far greater—much more—deeper and so much more spiritual,

There was a time before conception when I was created by my Mother/Father God. I was fashioned after the Great I am. My spirit being is perfect in every way; just as He is perfect, I am also. I was created in the image and likeness of God Himself. I have the DNA of my creator.

Jesus said to know me is to know the Father. Shall we say the same? Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying I am God or even a little god at that. What I am saying is that the "true me" has nothing to do with this flesh and blood or my cognitive thinking.

We are who we were before we became flesh!

I have come to believe that when we were conceived the Lord breathed His ruah "breath of life" (our spirit man who was before we became flesh) into our fetus being to give us eternal life. There in the spirit man lays the statues of the Lord and our purpose and provision for living life.

Becoming flesh and blood!

There is a song about a little bit me and a little bit you. This is referring to a small infant. Yes! I can see where our sons are a little like me and a little like their father. In looks, personality and sometimes in character they resemble each of us.

When we are born of flesh into this pagan world to parents, who are well intentioned and have the experience and knowledge of this world to pass on to us, we begin our learning process. This is not all bad, either! Yet we are taught to ignore our spirit man and to get "real". "There are NO imaginary friends, monsters, or bogie men." Sometimes we are taught that there is no spirit realm at all. No God, no angles, no devil? We are taught to study hard and achieve all we can. Live life on the defensive, trust no one, and look out for number 1 at all costs.

You might think this is all harsh, however, somewhat true, depending on what family you were born into. The more indoctrinated we become to this world and our intellect the more we loose contact with our "true being".

Let us be aware of our drifting into humanity and away from God and our true selves. Let us meditate on the word of God, washing our minds to whom we are, our true identity, power, and authority. Above all, God is Love and we are made of that love. Therefore, tap into the greatest existence, the essence of God and that is you! Tap into your divine nature and become that person God predestined you to be!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Next Dimension

Are you born again? Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? Do you believe that He who is within you is greater and can over come the world? Are you created in the image and likeness of God Himself?

What about those statements?

If Christ in me is the hope of glory and I truly am a new creature in Christ Jesus, why do I fall short of the cross? Should we pick up our cross and follow after Him? And what in the world does that mean?

I have recently been pondering about who I really am. For sure I want to think the best, yet I fall into the trap of criticizing and judging myself. I am not measuring up to who I am supposed to be! Then the thoughts began to flood into my being my natural human self. I will never be Jesus and I should not expect this mortal man to compare with the perfect man. Yet I do know that I am made perfect! My spirit man is perfect. The light of Christ is within He is forever molding and changing me on the inside. It is only a matter of time that the out side will manifest what the Holy Spirit is doing on the inside.

I get it! Therefore, I surrender to my mortal self, my human circumstances and I allow myself the space to view myself and my life from an objective place. That place is who I am in Christ and who Christ is withn me! The pressure is off. This spiritual dimension is something that most just read about. Most just think about it and imagine it; yet, people do not shut off their emotions and their minds long enough to experience their spirit man. From this place we can see more clearly and are able to know the next action that needs to be taken. All one thing and one moment at a time.

I once made a statement: "God can use me because I don't have much up there!"
It is easier for me to shut off my intellect and easier to allow God to use my complete whole spirit man to minister and speak. Now I am not saying that the intellect has no purpose for it certainly does. But in order to live according to His righteousness and love we must surrender to that new man within and allow our spirit man to direct the human intellect and emotion.

Surrender! Surrender Now! This is the Time and the Place where ever you find yourself whatever condition your are in¦... Now this very second in time. Is there need in your life? In this very moment? In this second let life be! Let people be! Let self be! Then it is easier to go on from here!

I am made from pure agape love and I will exude that love as I surrender to the work that is taking place in my life.. All life is good! God sees your heart, your intentions! It is all there to produce the good within and in my mortal existence. Excepting this process I am able to go forward without reaction and resistance. I can go forward in love and step out in faith with our creator! You know the words of Jesus, I just work where I see my Father working. (According to me)

Is there anything in your life you can do to change the situation, or improve your quality of life, or remove yourself from it? If the answer is "NO", then surrender and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through. Allow a miracle to happen. Stand in the stance of love! Surrender to the trial or emotion of it all. Where there is surrender there is peace, where there is peace you will find a deep inner joy and profound love you have never experienced before!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Let Love Be Without Dissimulation

(Romans 12:9)

Have you ever heard the words "I love you" from someone you really believed to be your friend, only to find out later that this same person talked behind your back, gossiped about you, and didn't treat you the way a real friend should?

If you confronted that person about his actions, did he admit what he did and apologize for it? Or did he lie and try to cover up his deeds, even though you already knew the facts? Did it deeply disturb you to see him put on a fake face and pretend that he was your best friend and that none of the allegations were true, even though you knew he was lying?

If you have ever experienced a situation like this, you know how very hurtful it is when a "so-called" friend behaves this way. It shows a level of hypocrisy that is deeply disturbing. This type of behavior should never occur among believers, but unfortunately it does from time to time.

To make sure you never fall into this kind of hypocrisy, the apostle Paul wrote and told you, "Let love be without dissimulation."

Love as it is used here refers to the Greek word agape, a word that describes the highest, finest, and most noble kind of love. In the New Testament, it is the single word that is used to describe the love of God. The word agape is so filled with deep emotion and meaning that it is one of the most difficult words to translate in the New Testament. It is perfect, clear without judgments or requirements!

Agape occurs when an individual accepts, recognizes, understands, or appreciates the value of a person, or circumstance causing the viewer to behold this time in life or person in great esteem, awe, admiration, wonder, and sincere appreciation... Unconditional... To lie down or surrender all that is impure and unjust in it all or in the person. That bible tells us it is all GOOD. Such great respect is awakened in the heart of the observer for the circumstance or person he is beholding that he is compelled to love and love through it. In fact, his love for that person or object is so strong that it is irresistible. God works all things together for His good. Awe to see through the eyes of our spiritual heart!

Perhaps the best example of agape is found in John 3:16:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "Love" in this passage refers to God's agape love for us. You see, the human race was so precious to God and He loved man so deeply that His heart was stirred to reach out and do something to save him. In other words, God's love drove Him to action. God's agape love was so profound that it knew no limits or boundaries in how far, wide, high, and deep He went to show His love for us. If necessary, agape love will even sacrifice itself for the sake of that situation or person it so deeply cherishes.. You can see from this description why agape is the highest, finest, and most noble form of love. This is precisely the kind of love that should exist between believers and believers in their ! life's walk.

The apostle John also wrote, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth" (1 John 3:18). Here, John is trying to define "Agape Love", he makes it very clear that real agape love is not merely a matter of speaking easy and empty words; rather it is accompanied by actions that are truthful (actions speak louder than words). It is hypocritical to claim to possess such love while at the same time engaging in unfaithful behavior such as backbiting and gossiping.

We all need to activate God's "Agape Love" which is forgiving and helpful, willing even to sacrifice oneself for the sake of someone else.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Heat for AFRICA: The Liberian Connection

You might want to ask us, "How did this all happen"? Well it was a combination of the prophetic word, people speaking their heart, and others hearing the call within!

This is how I recall it. I met Carol Kipp about two years ago now, at a WOW conference. We were on a prophetic team who were to give words of encouragement to women seeking God. Heaven only knows the reason I was asked to participate in this conference. I believe it was to meet Carol. That is where our relationship began. Later on the Lord spoke through her and she said I was called to Africa…. Oh my, I knew deep down in my heart she was right.

I will fast forward to the events of May 2007. Dick and I were traveling back to Rhode Island and stopped off in North Carolina to meet with Carol and Alan. This was the first time the four of us got together. I believed the Lord would have us encourage Alan in health and well being. Then Carol gave us another prophetic word telling Dick that he was called to teach and we were to go and do crusades overseas—Africa came up again!

Now there is a student at Rhode Island College Dick has had the pleasure of knowing for the last four years. Nyah Gonkar has an intriguing story on how he has come to the United States from Zahn Clan Nimba County, Liberia. He escaped the civil war by the love of God and became a US citizen. Since then he has been reunited with relatives in the states as well as back in Liberia. His testimony will be posted at another time. Well, in October 2007, while attending a Web development course Dick was teaching, Nyah began to share his deepest desires about Liberia and the possibilities of creating a Website about his village to in some way help his brothers and friends in Liberia.

Later that same week, we received a call from another young gentleman from Liberia who had been in the states for ten months attending school in Georgia. He found our ministry while reading The Good News Today, a local Christian newspaper published in Rhode Island. Kelvin met with us and Nyah to tell us of his ministry in Africa. He is beginning the process with our ministry to gather the information we need to pursue a working relationship with his ministry. Two Liberian connections in the same week!

Dick asked Nyah to find out how we could speak with the pastor at his village. Within a week, Nyah had set up a conference call with the Associate Pastor Alphanso Boore. It was a brief conversation early on a Sunday morning. They have a cell phone, but only have coverage in one spot in the village. The calls have to be scheduled so they know when to listen. The three most important things he said they needed were Bibles, transportation (motorcycle or bicycles), and supplies for the children like paper and pencils. There are no vehicles in the village and they need the bikes to get to the nearest town, which is an eight-hour walk. In their village, they have No electricity, No running water, No bathrooms, and mud homes with thatched roofs.

Meanwhile in North Carolina, our friend Carol received a prophetic word that she is to learn the black culture, and that she will be sent to the area that has been affected the most by the civil war, Liberia, and that a man named Moses would set a path for her to begin churches. We spoke of this over the phone and began to get excited together with what she knew in her heart and what was happening with us. Just think, we would do crusades and she and others would follow up by planting churches.

At the same time, Nyah spoke with his brother in Liberia about getting a Post Office Box as a means for us to begin to send packages to them. As it turned out, Moses is name of the gentleman that will be checking and delivering packages to Nyah's brother, Earnest. Moses will be very helpful with housing and setting things up for us when we visit. Does that sound familiar? The prophetic word our friend received about Moses. Yes, God already has Moses in place!

Many of the people in the village are farmers who sell and barter for other goods in town. Their village consists of about 2,000, men women and children. About 150 of which are church going people.

We were told that a missionary came into their village in the 1800s and set up a church. They have had little interaction with other Christians for fellowship or Spiritual strength. I could hear the plea in his voice. They speak Mono in the village and English. The Senior Pastor, Peter does not speak English.

We are moved with compassion to have a relationship with these loving people of God.. The task is much too big for us alone; yet I know that God has it all planned. He got us this far. A week ago we received a video of the people of the village and their church service. Viewing this video, you would be moved as we are to reach out and touch them in some way. We will be happy to share it with those who are drawn to helping the Yekehyee Inland Church.

Since then friends of ours told us of a Pastor in Florida that will be going Liberia! It was time to get the word out for people to begin to pray for God to open doors that no man can shut and close those that are not in His plan.

Another friend of mine, Pam told me she had packets she and her daughter put together with some Sunday School Children. She has donated ninety of these packets. Each includes toothpaste, brushes, crayons, a little car for boys and hair ties for girls, stickers, and pencils!

We have been in touch with Pastor Tony and his missionary team from Florida. We met Tony through our son and daughter who live in North Port, Florida. Amazingly enough, the timing is perfect. Tony told us he would most definitely meet with them at the village and deliver these packets to them. Dick and I will be going to Florida in December and will be taking these packets with us. God's timing! There is no striving here. God is making a way to reach and answer people's prayers from this Liberian Tribe.

Thus far, our offerings have been small packages of books of John, a Thompson Chain Reference Bible, an NLT Bible and a number of New Testaments, two children's Bibles, some pencils, healing cloths, and our books. There is much more to do. Much more to praying to do—for them and for those who will be touching their lives.

The work had not begun yet.. Is He tugging on your heart to contribute to this work, or perhaps to go to Africa and visit the village delivering a message of the love of Christ? Do you want to help build their school? Maybe you could contribute to the drilling of a well, purchase bicycles or even a motor bike?

As time goes on, I will be adding to this Liberian blog telling you of the progress and process. Please, pray and seek God about participation in this great adventure the Lord has us all on.

You might have your story to add…

Monday, November 26, 2007

Nothing Shall Separate You From the Love of God

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
— Romans 8:38,39

the apostle Paul wrote these verses, he had been living in very excruciating times because he was a Christian. He had been a victim of rejection from friends, persecution from the government, and had lived many months of his life in an isolated prison cell. No matter what his circumstances were at the time, Paul had discovered a divine truth: Nothing no circumstance or situation in this life has the power to separate you, the believer, from the love of God our Father.

Then Paul said, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38,39).

It means to be persuaded, to be convinced, or to be rooted not being swayed by another's opinion. This word tells me that Paul was being tempted to embrace different conviction. This also implies that this had occurred to Paul in the past but is still so strong that it continues to be his conviction in the present. The same it is with us and our experiences with Christ and God the Father. He was persuaded, and he continues to be persuaded. Therefore we have been persuaded, and we continue to be steadfast in that same belief.

Paul's primary meaning is that the love of God is so strong, even physical death cannot separate us from His divine love. Death may separate us from the earth and from people we love, but it is impossible for death to separate us from the love of God, for God's love doesn't stop with the cessation of life.

It is a fact that many believers feel overwhelmed with life's situations. In fact, they often feel so confused and weighed down that they wonder if God is still near to them. This is why Paul adds that even life cannot separate a believer from the love of Jesus Christ.

Paul lets us know that no spiritual being, good or bad, has enough power to separate us from God's love. Not any other creature
The word "principalities" is from the word archai. This is the same word that Paul uses in Ephesians 6:12, where he describes the rank and file of the devil's kingdom. Archai is the Greek word for a ruler or one who has long held a lofty position of power. The plural version of this word depicts an entire group of high- ranking demon spirits that have held their positions of power since the most ancient times. Although angels and demonic powers are indeed strong, they are not strong enough to disconnect a believer from God's love.

Paul had been arrested, bound, and restricted by evil governments on many times, but none of these actions were ever sufficiently powerful to separate him from the love of God. A jail cell may have separated Paul from other believers. However, even in the deepest, darkest, most horrible cell, Paul could go within him and feel and experienced the love of God.

In addition to these points Paul has already mentioned, he uses the phrase "things present" to let us know that nothing that currently exists is able to prevent a person from experiencing God's love. In this case, it means nothing presently existing or nothing that currently stands is sufficient to separate a believer from the all-powerful presence of God's love.

But Paul doesn't stop with the things that presently exist. He goes on to say that "things to come" are also not able to separate a believer from the love of God. Paul has already said that nothing currently existing is strong enough to separate a believer from the love of God. Now he boldly declares that nothing will ever happen in the future that will contain enough power to hinder a believer from knowing and experiencing God's love.

As he continues, Paul also declares that neither "height, nor depth" shall be able to separate us from the love of God. The word "height" is the Greek word hupsuma, which expresses the notion of something that is overhead.. It would include anything that is lofty, such as the sky and the heavens above. The word "depth" is the word bathos, the Greek word that expresses the notion of something that is exceedingly deep, like the deepest, darkest parts of the sea. Now Paul uses these illustrations to say that nothing in the sky or in the deepest parts of the earth has the power to keep one of God's children from knowing and experiencing His love.

To make sure absolutely everything is included in this comprehensive list, Paul adds "any other creature" to the list. The word "creature" is the Greek word ktisis, and it categorically refers to all created things in both the physical and spiritual worlds. Absolutely nothing in either of these spheres "shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The words "shall be able" is from the word dunamai, which describes strength, capacity, or ability. The word "separate" is the Greek word choridzo, meaning to sunder, to sever, to disunite, to tear apart, to disconnect, to cut off, to disengage, or to withdraw.. Notice that Paul says that nothing is capable of tearing a believer "from" the love of God. The word "from" is the Greek word apo, which means away and implies distance. This clearly means that there is nothing that can put distance between a believer and his Heavenly Father.

Romans 8:38 and 39 could be interpreted:
"I have been persuaded, and I still remain convinced, that death, nor the circumstances that often arise in life, nor powerful satanic beings, nor even an entire group of high-ranking demons, nor anything that exists today, nor anything that could possibly happen in the future, nor any governmental power, nor anything in the highest heavens, nor anything that resides in the deepest depths, nor anything that has ever been created is capable of disconnecting us from the love of God or of putting any distance between us and the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord."

Never forget this message Nothing in this world has enough power to disconnect you from the love of God. No angel, no demon, no government, no creature — and no mistake of your own making — will ever be capable of cutting you off from the love of God. God's love is greater than man will ever be able to comprehend. It reaches to the highest mountain, and it penetrates to the lowest parts of the earth. Regardless of what you are facing in your life today, God's love is with you — and nothing will ever be able to disconnect you from this awesome, powerful, all-consuming love!

Pray along with me:
Lord, I am so grateful for Your love that never fails me and never leaves my side. I am filled with faith knowing that nothing in this world has the power to disconnect me from Your awesome, powerful, life-transforming love. In moments when I feel overwhelmed by circumstances or problems, I ask that You give me a special awareness of Your unfailing love in my life.
I confess that God's love is with me and never leaves me. There is nothing that can happen in this world or in my life to disconnect me from His awesome, powerful, wonder-working, life-transforming love. I walk through each day in peace because I know that the Lord loves me. I have been persuaded, and I remained convinced, that nothing can separate me from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ my Lord!
Amen! Amen

Friday, October 26, 2007


Did you ever think? "Have I grown-up, matured, enough to realize it is not man who nourishes me or fulfills my inner needs and desires? It is the Holy Spirit Himself. He is all I need. He is enough!"

Psalm 43
Send Forth your light and Your truth let them guide us. Let them bring me to Your holy mountain to the place where You dwell.

Psalm 40
A prayer for protection! And one to reinforce in what God is asking of each of us. Verse: 6 Sacrifice and offering You did not desire "but ears you have pierced (so that we can lean upon you and hear your loving voice so that we will obey) burnt offerings and sin offerings you do not require (You have required us to give our hearts to you as a lover gives oneself to them.)

Verse: 7 To do Your will O my God is my desire Your law is written on our hearts so we are lead into all truth.

With this revelation, I continue my journaling in pursuit of you Lord, and to only maintain the Kingdom. (Righteousness/Peace/Joy in the Holy Ghost.) Within us is the treasure that is hidden from most men.

Mat 13:44.
How do I describe the Kingdom? To live in peace while others are in turmoil. To be calm where there is anxiousness. To be content and secure when things seem to be upside down. For where the spirit rests there is Peace/Joy/Righteousness and an inner knowing all is well with my soul.

Hebrews 12:4
Tells to not make light of the Lord's discipline nor loose heart. Discipline comes to those who are depending on Him to become His temple here on earth. We are drawn to Him because of His undivided love He gives to us!

Today we pray:
"Lord, bring us closer and deeper into Your sea of Love. Bathe us in Your presence. Make us whole! Lord, of one spirit we come in one accord with You, Your will. Lord, give us Your Wisdom, Righteousness, Peace and Joy. Fill us from within from this day forth. Amen!"

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Destiny Through Grace

"Destiny Through Grace is upon you Now your Destiny is His Idea and it will be fulfilled"

There is a desire encoded in each of us when we are created unto destiny in God--it 's one of a divine nature. Depending on our life experiences, we get in touch with this desire in vastly different ways, but, as Scripture notes, the blueprints are with in us.

As it was in the Beginning, as it was in your heart from the very beginning of time. Your perfect design...was placed within let it begin today!

"My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them" Psalm 139:15-16
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." Jer 1:5

Jeremiah was no exception. Each one of us has a destiny of a divine nature that is wrapped up in God and binds us to Him, enabling us to walk it out as we pursue our relationship with Him. He wove it into our DNA as He formed us, even before we were in our mother's womb.

His Amazing Grace for our Destiny
Yes, we have heard it spoken many times from preacher to teacher of His Word, but has it really sunk in that we are born for greatness in God or we would not be on the earth as this time? He would not have covered us with His amazing grace if it were not so. If He had not done that, we would be loose as a goose--running every which way.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I am found
Was blind but now I see."

As we step into our destiny, we do it with this knowledge deeply embedded within us--that but if not for grace, we would surely perish along the way. That is why this destiny we move into is a divine nature. It will take the grace of His divine attributes to carry us into and through the process of seeing it accomplished. To become over comers it takes courage and leaning on Him in Faith.

"Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of 'Grace, grace to it" Zachariah 4:7 The capstone is Jesus.
"Thus says the Lord:'The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness--Israel, when I went to give him rest." Jer 31:2 "and now for a little while grace has been shown form the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a peg in His holy place, that our God may enlighten our eyes and give us a measure of revival in our bondage." Ezra 9:8

What we are about to step into is so great in relationship to the history of mankind, that He's had to "allure us to the wilderness," to show us who we are apart from His divine grace operating in and around us.

If you are reading this, most likely, you have survived the sword whether it is from poor choices or from the enemy, and you are presently finding grace (supernatural strength) in your wilderness.

This truly is the year for favor of the Lord in our lives. He WILL have His remnant. He is a man of integrity. He is about to "give us a measure of revival for survival," yes, even in our bondage, for we are never totally free. He is giving us eyes to see the beginnings of what is about to take His people by storm. As He pours out favor and grace upon us, angelic assistance is released to see the supernatural operating at a level we've not experienced until now. Our Faith will grow as a result, and our unbelief is being diminished.

This is all His idea. YOU and your destiny are His idea and He will see it through--even to the point that when you say to the mountain be moved, it will be moved.It will be moved.

Jesus is saying over you, "Grace, GRACE!" He is calling you out into your destiny for it is upon you now with abundant grace. Through you may have grown weary even in well doing, now is the time to take a deep breath with a leap of abandonment into what you know beats inside of you.

You have laid it down. You may have stepped back. You may have reined in your expectations, most likely from a lack of revelation of just how great this enabling grace of His is.
We need each other to speak into our destiny, to raise our arms, so to speak, when we have reached our end. But with the help of His Grace, your destiny will be fulfilled in a way that "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into your heart the thing which God has prepared for you." 1 Corinthians 2:9 (paraphrased).

You were born for this hour when destiny is calling you up and out. Up and out from within yourself and your circumstance and into the place where God has your boundaries and borders. Nothing less will get you there. It is impossible to please God without this kind of faith;without this kind of abandonment, and without the determination to set your eye on Him and Him alone. That is what gives us the ability to see through His eyes just what and where we are called to--above the limitations and the belief system of this earthly realm.

What you are called to is other than worldly it is supernatural in its very nature. "After these things I looked, and behold a door standing open in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, 'Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.'" Rev 4:1

We must see our destiny through His eyes. It is too great to imagine on our own. By His enabling grace, our eyes will be opened, and we will see into eternity to receive the faith to step into what He has called us to as He steps into us, so that it might be accomplished in us and through us.

Grace, grace...the power and supernatural strength that only comes from above! Grace the force to make happen in the natural that no one could do on his or her own. Grace, I call for it is grace that we all need. That is why it is written: "My grace is sufficient for you." All things are possible with the Grace of the Father in our very souls. In our minds and in our spirits! So into the presence of His Glory we go, Face to face with our Father, to bestow thanks and give Him the praise foe what He is about to do!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Continued from Harvest Time Luke 10

Sometimes we think people do not receive because we have not learned enough, or we are not filled with the Spirit enough…..or may be we think they have a problem, a hindrance Whatever! What a misnomer the Spirit of God is true and will manifest Himself wherever He pleases. This is not for us to judge or pass judgment! Our job is to get with God, build a solid relationship and plant ourselves deep in the roots of our Father's love then we will be a effective encouragement to others so that they may do the same. Luke 10 13-17.

Jesus even mentions that in the cities of Korazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum people did not receive Him or His Father. These were holy cities, people of God lived there. Therefore, they did not receive their healing most importantly they did not receive their right to heaven. As the scripture goes on, we are to get it deep within us that it is He whom they do not receive; it is not a personal rejection. They will be judged for their choices. It is most important for us to be obedient to our call and not judge others on the journey.

It is so exciting for me to know that Jesus left us with the authority and power to command healing and cast out demons! V18 tells us that Jesus gave us the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to over come all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm us. Personally I hope I do not have to handle the reptile- or a poisons' spider. However, we can minister in confidence, that the Lord our God is in control and He will perform every good work through us and within us! For He does sit on the right hand of the Father continually interceding for us!

Beware, that the works that are performed through us as His hands are miniscule to the everlasting life we have in Him. Do not puff ones self up to be filled with pride, but be grateful knowing that He has shared with us the truths as mere children who love Him. Remembering first and foremost our salvation laid in the hand of our beloved Savior, Jesus. And it is through that faith we are able to carry on the works Jesus once did here on earth!


Saturday, October 6, 2007


Luke 10: 1-12

As I sit on our front porch admiring our front lawn, my thoughts are on all the people who had a hand in producing such a plush lawn! It took many a people for the fruit of a luxurious lawn to come forth. Many of those people had not idea they had a hand into the final result. How many people that came into your life have no idea what they stimulated? Wither good or bad, the result was the Father's love producing YOU! Think on it!

October to me means Harvest Time! Pumpkins are out, hay rides for the family, apple picking—even apple pie and coco. Harvest Time! "The word tells us that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" The Scripture says "Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." The workers could be you and I or it could be the Holy Spirit ripening one's heart before you or I arrive on the scene.

"Go! I am sending you out like lambs among the wolves" That word "Go" could mean "go to your family, your church, or market place! It could mean all of the above. Wither the sending is people—angles or the Holy Spirit the sending is happening. We do nothing alone. God our Father has set up a team for us to work with. And it is up to us to work with His team.

V5 Goes on to tell us we are to minister where the Holy Spirit leads and where He is resting. Peace in the Spirit is most important. If Peace is not resting on them it will return to us. Have you had the experience of laying hand s on someone to have the Spirit fill us more then them. We begin to cry, laugh, and shake from head to toe? There seems to be a resistance of sorts happening! That is the time when the Spirit has lifted and they can not receive any more!

V7 Tells to stay eating and drinking…. Whatever they give you. Don't move around from house—Or not to minister to aliment to ailment. Another words, during the "interview", they will tell us their needs and we are to command healing with the resurrection power. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to them and if He doesn't we are to pray silently until the Spirit moves or lifts. V8 says Eat what is set before you… Do not ask for your delights receive what is before you. "The Kingdom of God is near you" The righteous, peace and joy of the Holy Ghost is here for your taking!

If you approach someone and you are not received "do not persist!" back off in love. Knowing that they rejected the Kingdom of God and not you! They have rejected their corner stone, Jesus.

Let us pray: Lords my heart is wide open to you. May these words go deep into my Spirit and be illuminated as the Spirit instructs…For the harvest is at hand and I am the laborer who is instructed by the Holy Spirit's lead.
More to come…

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's Your Love

It's amazing how freely we are to judge the world in which we live.  Sin is rampart all around us--free sex, gambling, drinking, cursing, not being good providers, not nurturing our children properly,  and the list goes on etc.etc. 
Then the Lord calls out to us "I shall make 'My' enemies 'My' footstool"  To some the enemies could be those obvious sins we see, with our eyes, in the world at large.  Yet today I believe the Holy Spirit is taking us into a deeper level.  "What is your participation in sin? Do you vote for it? condone it? Ah, your heart, where is it?  Are you pre-occupied with TV shows, news, games, magazines?
As we seek and pursue the things of God we must be conscience of the Heart of God in our lives.  His pulsating love made ready--flowing out toward us)
"Make the world go away-place your head on My shoulder, Say the things you use to say, and make the world go away!"  I know these are words to a very old song... Yet they seem appropriate.  beloved, Jesus is call and singing those words to us, today.  We were created minister to the Groom!  To love and sing adoration's to Him our maker.
If you find yourself judging things and people around you, you are probably being called to a higher place....  Judge and be judge!  Love and be loved!
If you are seeking, knocking, and leaning into the spirit realm for more, say this prayer with me.
Father, I (we) are so desperate for Your loving embrace.........Cone in like a flood, knock me over, over take me with Your love.  Let the water of Your Word erase all the guilt and shame.  Replace it all with Your amazing Grace.  I thank you for it is Your love that will bring me to a new level of healing, a new level of maturity, a new level of living in Christ Jesus.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Grovey Kind Of Love

Jesus', purpose in life, was to live a lifestyle that was pleasing to the Father.  His ultimate goal was to open the communication path from us to the Father directly!  So Jesus made a way so we could be intimate with God the Father! He died for our wrong doings!  Once this way is established, (the way our personal salvation through Jesus), we enter our first and foremost call--a personal intimate relationship with God our Father.  All the trash in our lives does not matter.  All that matters is that we pursue a relationship with Him.  As time progresses, those things will fall to the wayside!
2 Corinthians 6:2  For God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today is the day of salvation.
As we get to 'know' His acceptance, and 'receive' His loving kindness in a safe ca-coon He provides, we begin to grow and flourish.  Our whole life changes, our goals, aspirations, intentions everything about us begins a Metamorphose  process. 
When life seems gray and everything and everyone seems to be crashing down what do you do? I take a journey back into memory lane.  Here is a piece of my reminiscing with my Father.
I return to that day of blessing as a seven year old running freely and dancing about in Your presence. I could almost feel your warm smiling face shinning upon me on my first communion day. I could have danced all day knowing that You would be my friend forever. 
Then again, I returned to you as an adult rehearsing the guilt, shame and the torment of sin and sickness.  But never-the-less, I came running and You opened Your arms wide receiving again as you did when I was seven. 
WoW, as I think upon those times I feel relief, refreshed, replenished and the infilling of your Love continues to bring me into a deeper freedom.  Lord today, I run to you--dancing at the waters' edge rejoicing in advance ready to receive a greater measure of Your Transforming Love!
Your presence, is a source of all healing!  Your presence is ultimately all we need! If you are feeling
Pray this prayer with me:
I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my understanding or any man's understanding.  In all my ways I will acknowledge and testify to all He has done in my life....And I know that He will make my path according to His purpose for my life!  Amen Amen 
Proverbs 3 :5,6

Friday, September 14, 2007

Shaking Loose!

I began reading Isaiah 22:8-11 and began thinking on what all of that meant for us today!  Then it began to flow out of my innards'!   

All of our defenses have been stripped away!  So we run into the safe place to be equipped.  We take inventory and inspect for defects and assess our needs.  We store up water and rebuild ourselves.  Notice WE did everything….   Auh!  All our foolish deeds to correct and make whole on our own are done in no avail…  We never ask God for help until we have to other alternative.  Our Father knows our ways and deeds before they ever happen and He prepares for us a place of escape.

Yea, yea, yea, my soul wines and complains….this is not it at all!   Instead of going up to the mountain of the Almighty I run to a friend (whatever).  Instead of reaching out to the Spirit's wellspring I empty my cistern into a love ones ear.  But the water of the Lord is not only refreshing and renewing it is filled with the Father's Loving embrace. 

He has reminded us to weep and mourn for our very souls.  Calling out to us to reposition ourselves, make a shift, and make a change!  Turn from our old stinking-thinking ways.  Instead of reaching out for the new life we carry on in "sin" we keep on doing the same old….the same old is sin if it is taking us slowly and surly away from God's embrace and friendship.  We continue with 'church' as usual and repeat our rituals, prayers, deeds and celebrate our holidays with no heart felt expression toward God or toward His people. 

Jesus is crying out "Run toward me, there you will find rest for your souls and there you will find peace of mind, there you will find solutions to all of your dilemmas."  As we run, we will find that those things will fall to the way side and we will continue to gain momentum into His Presence and into His Will.

Then I was lead….Lamentations 5:8 (according to Dianne) Sin has become our masters and we are so deceived and think that there is no one left to rescue us?

Take a step into His presence…He is saying "I the Lord have made you and I will not forget to help you.  I will sweep away your sins like the morning mists.  I have scattered your offenses like the clouds.  Return to me for I have paid the price to set you free! There is nothing like the Blood of Jesus to set us FREE! (Isaiah 44: 21-22 according to Dianne)


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Protect the Balm of Gilead

Have you ever had days that you just don't want to do anything?  Well I have.  It is that time for me now. No reading, no talking, no going, no nothing!  That is what I want to do.  Now, I am not saying I am not doing anything.  Deep within me,  I am hearing just be quiet.  Be still.  Be alert! Be WILLING. 
Then early one morning this week, I heard as plain as day, "Protect the Balm of Gilead!"  I began  thinking on this.  I knew the Balm has to do with healing and the anointing.  So I began to research it further. 
The Old Testament there are types and shadows of things to come in the New Testament.
Genesis 37:18-25.  Joseph was thrown into a pit left for dead!  Remember? (are you looked upon as less or weird because of who you are in Christ? or cast aside because of your beliefs?) Now his brothers saw a caravan coming, a caravan of Ishmaellites, who took balm, spices and myrrh from Gilead to Egypt.  (Took from the place of God to the unsaved!) They were prostituting the things of God!   Ishmaellites are the decedents of Ishmael, representing to me, something created or forced out of our own strength.  (Are you pushing the envelop? straining in your own intellect, power and strenght?)
These are the questions I have asked of myself; then I remembered the feeling of wanting to do nothing.  That is not laziness, it is the Holy Spirit telling me to smell the Rose of Sharon!  Harken to the voice of the Spirit! Act upon His leading!
So what is this Balm of Gidien? A tree or shrub 12-15 feet tall.  It is indigenous to the mountainious areas arround Mecca!  The sap from this tree is known for it medicinal healing oil.  AH!  the place of God (Mecca)  Let us go up to the mountain of God and allow the Holy Spirit (oil) make itself know.  The Spirit the Christ within! us.
Back to what I heard, "Protect the Balm of Gilead!"  Protect the Christ within, your annointing, your God given talents and abilities.  Protect them, do not let the ungodly abuse what the Lord has given.  Don't let others, unknowingly take, what is not theirs, or protitute you--sell you short! Guard that gift He so lovingly gave you to be shared with those He instructs.  Go up to the mountain and grow into the maturity He has called you to be.
Allow His word to be a lamp for your feet and a light unto your path!  Psalm 119:105
For His statues and this teaching was given to be a lamp to light the way ahead of you.  His corrections of discipline is the way to life not distruction.  Proverb 6:23
May this be an inspiration for your meditation time with Him!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Puttering in the yard is a great summer activity.  Distributing mulch, pulling weeds and planting are some of the things I like to do.  One after noon, I made myself around toward the Celebration House front door.  I realized that the crab grass was over grown!  It was very noticeable and in great contrast with the rest of the lawn.  So I planted my stool in the middle of the weeds and began pulling the crab grass out and turning the ground over. 
People enter and exit through this entrance each week.  No one commented on the crab grass, maybe they did not even see it, or maybe it was not noticeable or important to them.  Perhaps they did not want to offend us and decided to over look it! 
Sometimes--I believe that is how we treat sin in our lives and in the lives of those we love!  
In no time at all that ugly grass was gone and grass was seeded and nicely moisten with great nutritious top soil.
Today I took an inventory of my own neglected sin that lingers in my life; and in the lives of those I love.  Clearly, I can see where I will begin to uproot sin, stinking thinking and unbelief in my life.  I will begin to replace the ugly with the living Word that will take root and grow as I meditate and seek God's heart for my life.  Knowing that, I will produce fruit for others to see as well. Hopefully I will be an encouragement to them as they also seek and meditate!
I will take notice in others lives also.  And I will speak loving words to them encouraging them to change also.
John 9:4 Jesus speaks saying "But to demonstrate Gods power all of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end. 
John 9 5-7But while I am still here in the world, I am the light of the world." Then he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and smoothed the mud over the blind man's eyes. He told him, "Go and wash in the pool of Siloam" . So the man went and washed, and came back seeing!
Siloam means sent!  WE are all sent into this world with a purpose--mission if you will to serve God and man.  As the Father directs we obey, as we are sent we also shall return healed!
May these words give you opportunity to ponder on your life and of those around you.  What is your heavenly Father prompting you to change?  Who is your Father sending you to.?

Monday, September 3, 2007

Great Exchange Part II

When we pray, it is spiritually appropriate for us to fully expect God to honor His Word and do what you have requested!
Paul is such a great encourager to us.  He describes the difficulties he encountered in his ministry.  Just as Satan regularly tried to disrupt Paul's ministry, the enemy has also attempted on many occasions to hinder our purpose for the Gospel.
In moments when worry or fear are trying to wrap its' life-draining tentacles around me, I rush back to the truths found in Phillippians 4:6  Just as I followed this verse so long ago, I still feel the drawing of the Holy Spirit to follow His leading once again.  Whenever I begin to get anxious or overwhelmed the Lord leads me from worry and fear to a thankful, praising and peaceful heart.  As the Scripture tells, ...His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus"
I am continually learning that if I am faithful to and apply His Word I will experience the wonderful, assurance of God's hand in my life and the magnificent peace He so freely gives.
So don't let worry wrap its tentacles around you.  Instead, listen to Paul's advice about how to deal with the problems and concerns that try to assault your mind and emotions think on Phillippians 4:6 according to Dianne:
" Don't worry about nuthin--and that means not one thing at all!  Instead, come into God's presence and give Him those things that concern you so He in exchange gives you what you need.  Be bold, not arrogant, and passionately make your request known to God making certain that an equal or greater measure of thanksgiving goes hand in hand with your asking.  You have every right to as boldly, so go ahead and insist the God your Father meet you in your darkest hour!" 
Then think of these things.... As our minds and hearts on in Christ Jesus all else fades away! 
Psalm 40:3 He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be astounded. They will put their trust in the LORD
Psalm 62:8 O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.
Let this be your confession:  I confess that I am not ruled by worry, fear, or concerns.  I go to God with those things that are leading me astray from His peace and guidance.  I will clearly make my feelings and needs known to my heavenly Father.  I expect an answer to my dilemma because of the promises in God's Word.  I know exactly ho to boldly make my requests.  I always match my requests with thanksgiving, letting god know how grateful I am for everything He does in my life.  I will survive and victoriously overcome each and every circumstances that tries to come against my family, my relationships, my ministry, my fiances and my life.
I declare this by faith in Jesus' Name! 

The Great Exchange

Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thak Him for what He has done."  Phillippians 4:6
I vividly remember a time in my life when I was very concerned about something that was about to occur.  Although the challenge before me really wasn't so life-shattering, at that moment it seemed huge and mountainous!  Therefore, I was extremely concerned!
I'm sure you know what it's like when worry tries to consume your mind.  It has a way of rehearsing itself over and over and magnifying issues to the point of becoming ridiculous, but when you're in the midst of that thing, it seems so uncontrollable.  Only after the event has passed do you realize how silly it was to be so worried about something that was unimportant in the big picture!
For example in the past I was consumed with worry.  I paced back and forth, fretting, thinking and pondering, making myself even more nervous by my anxious behavior.  I was nothing but a bag of nerves.  Realizing how deeply I was sinking into worry, I reached for my secret weapons--praying in my spirit language.  Then I went to the Word to find peace for my troubled soul.  I began to rehearse the past victories Christ brought me through.  I opened to Phillippians 4:6!
I began flushing those things from my mind so I could concentrate on God's Words to me through that verse.  I could see God was calling out to me prodding me to put down my worries and come boldly before Him making my request known to Him.  As I focused on this verse, I suddenly saw something I could do to relieve myself of this tormenting elephant.  The Word tells me to lay down my worries!  Ok, I understand, I would be set free from worry and fear!  So I began the process of laying it all down....and immediately began praising Him and giving Him thanks for all those past victories.  In a matter of moments I laid them down and picked them up again and finally was able to look past those worries and found my troubled mind-set was replaced with a thankful, praising, and peaceful heart!  That was the great exchange!
As years pass, I will have many occasions when worry and fear will try to plague my mind.  It would be a lie to say I am totally free from that "worry mind-set".  At times, challenges have been simply been enormous but God is faithful.
To be continued....

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Strong Man

 I took some time today to read Mathew 12….  Then I went to Mark 3 and read there.  It is to my understanding that the Pharisees were speaking of Beelzebub and inferring that Jesus had an evil spirit.  Jesus then speaks as he does in a parable.  He begins by saying "how can Satan drive out Satan?"  etc..  Further on He tells them how to cast out the evil man.  (strongman in this case)


During my thinking and contemplating on these scriptures, I further related this strong man's house to our souls.  How satan can take the treasures the Lord has deposited within us and hold those treasures from us keeping us captive.  It is when we bind the strong man we then can release those treasures and purposes He has imparted to us and begin to use them for His Kingdom.  At last, FREEDOM to become more like Christ, to witness and set others free.…... 


In the NIV  Luke 11:21 explains it more clearly to me.  V20 Jesus tells them if He drives out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to us"   Then further in V21  "When a strong man, (satan) fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.  V 22 But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes ways the armor in which the man trusted and divided up the spoils." 


Pretty Cool…  Well then I also did some looking into other man's thinking here they are

Monday, July 23, 2007

I love the Word!

I love the Word of God. I love everything about it.  To me it is life giving, life fulfilling and life producing!   I have a burning desire to reach others with the words God gives me, whether written or spoken, so they will be filled of God's transforming love.  I love studying the Word, comparing translations, and even sometimes researching commentaries and then preparing a message to be shared with others. I love taking what I have studied and mix it with my personal experience.  I just Love the Lord and Love getting closer to Him.

Today my heart speaks to me about not studying as much as being a living testament of our Father's.  I do not think He is only telling me this; I believe He is preparing believers to guide others so they are equipped to live in this world.

One goal we all should have is to equip and train people to present them to God.  Whether they are our beloved children, spouse, friends or colleagues, He is calling us all!

Colossians 1:28  So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ. We warn them and teach them with all the wisdom God has given us, for we want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.

Our destiny as Christians is to "grow up" in Him who is the head, even Christ"

Ephesians 4:15 Instead, we will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church

 If you had ever taken part in any of our healing workshops, you would have experienced not only that Jesus heals, but who He wants to heal and how He wants to heal them. You begin to discover who you are in Him, with Him and who you are as He works through you!  We must pursue His wisdom, view life with His discernment, and learn to be led by His Spirit. In other words, we must not only seek to possess accurate theological knowledge; but to seek to become Christ like, in our everyday lives and circumstances.

Paul told the Christians in Rome that he longed to "impart some spiritual gifts...that you may grow strong in the Lord" (Romans 1:11). Are you spiritually unstable, being tossed to and fro?  Are you in a place where you can grow and experiment with your God given gifts and talents?  Hopefully you are and you are practicing what you are gleaming from others and most importantly from the Holy Spirit; for He alone is the true teacher.  Are you living a life style suited to being a living testament?

Paul continues in verse 12 by saying "but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other" 

I know the idea of impartation is scary.  The truth is we all impart to others.  We impart to our children and to their children just by association.  I am concentrating on imparting life—God given life of love to others.  This love is fundamental to mankind's relationships.

I had a very enjoyable conversation with our two year old granddaughter the other day!  She noticed a bird's nest up in the rafters on our porch.  We talked about baby birds and mommy birds.  How mommy birds feed and wash their babes because they can not do it for themselves.  She responded, Why Gammie? Why?  It was an easy response.  I just asked her "Can you wash and cook for yourself?".  "No, Gammie!" Then I asked her, "Who feeds and washes you?"  Before she responded I said "Mom ma!"  and Then she perked up, "Mom ma and Daddy too, Gammie!  How wonderful, even a two year old understands impartation!  Impartation of the love her parents have for her and an impartation on how to care for her self.

1 Thessalonians 2:8 We loved you so much that we gave you not only God's Good News but our own lives, too.

This impartation goes on and on.  From parents to children; teachers to students, supervisors at work to their subordinates all giving and sharing of their experience in a loving way so that the recipient can grow and enjoy life to their fullest. You see, principles of impartation are woven into the very fabric of our lives.

The Word tells us we can not give what we do not have.  Therefore, I seek and knock; ask and the Lord delivers so I can impart to others. Jesus imparted to His disciples leaving them with a mission and a mission field.

2 Corinthians 1:4   He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us

While Dick and I might be called to focus on God's power and authority that resides in the believer; we also know that without God's unmerited love we are powerless.  "Be kissed by Jesus!"  Receive His love and acceptance in your heart and in your life!  Then get ready for He is preparing you to kiss others with His tangible love and healing power!

Of course, we should never isolate ourselves from one another.  We should be followers of no man, except those the Spirit leads us to walk with.  If we perceive others are followers of Christ, walking as He leads; if we also are walking in that direction it is easy to align yourself with them and walk.  No man should be in bondage to another;  but a bond servant to the Lord Himself. 

1 Timothy 6:18Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them.

So come freely to the throne of life, drink freely from the fountain Christ has given us.  Truth is that we should not seek to dominate, but to liberate others into their destiny!.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Who's Afraid of the BIG BAD Wolf?

Lots can be said on the how we build our house--wood, hay stubble and so on and so forth. 
Today I'm focusing on the house we build out of brick and mortar.  Knowing so well some who build with hay and wood believe they are safe.  Today I am telling you that is a lie.  I pray that in light of the Word those will come to understand the call of intimacy and worship the Father has appointed for them to experience and to preserve their souls and to usher them into a love unspeakable.  My you also grow into the character that withstands the darkness so that the light within burst through.
But one little piggy built his house of brick and mortar.  As I press into who I am in Christ I realize who I truly am.  Who I am in Christ and who I am as a human person with human frailties and God given strengths!  I know that I am victorious and filled with the authority to dispel 'all' darkness of every kind!  Dispel does not mean that it disappears all the time; however, it does mean I may live through it without consequences hindering my health, or my purpose for Christ. 
For there is nothing to fear for those of us who are acquiring "His Character", Walk in His Presence, and apply His teaching to their lives and literally be transformed into His Nature.  
Psalm 112 according to 'me'
Such a man is in God's constant care and will make an impression on all who see and experience their fellowship.  Such a person is settled  in his mind that the Father will care for them.  They can face their foes without fear.  Such a person shall have influence and honor.  Even their children's' children will have a particular call on their lives'.
Today as I ponder the 'grandee' harvest out of the seeds I have sown in the past--Praise God, it comes without effort and the future harvest comes by strategically sowing seeds of love in all places as the Father leads.
For new friendships and rekindle old....for building new bridges to new horizons in God, into His secret place we go to procure treasures of love and fulfillment!
May this Word go deep into our fiber of life to produce GOOOOD Fruit!.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is it still NICE and PLEASANT?

What use to be nice and pleasant isn't anymore.  I was privileged, to say the least, to have had the opportunity to spend most summer mornings at a beach club.  There I was in a pleasant and restful atmosphere.  The water was clear and calming--and the beach was just the right size for watching youngsters play about, for walking and even jumping in for a refreshing dip.  Lots of soul searching and contemplating happened in those days.
Today, I am just as privileged to take advantage of the same beach club.  Yet, today,  as I gathered my things to settle in for the refreshing Word, I noted that  the water this year is lots rougher than the past and the beach is not as clean nor the water as clear!  Those things do take away from the peace of mind for those who might have youngsters playing about. 
For me those things do not take away from the serenity of the crashing waves nor does it intrude on God's gentle nudge to proceed in His  presence.  However, it does say that this beach isn't as welcoming to our grandchildren as it was when their dads were young.
1 Cor 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways.
Just as we grow in Him...what was permissible and acceptable in the past is no longer  condoned in our life today.  As we were once babes in the Lord we grew in His loving hands drinking the milk  learning a step at a time of His precepts and promises.  As we grow and learn and apply His Word to our lives and obey His gentle loving lead, we realize what was permissible is no longer.  For some things then were allowed and permissible, now in our maturing more is required and less is permissible.
 1 Cor 6:12 "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are beneficial. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be dominated by anything.
I can not help but meditate on all the sea weed that is hanging around my life.  What a smelling fragrance it has towards the Father.  I am asking the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in cleaning out the beach of my soul.  How about your sea weed?     I pray that He leads us all into the clear waters developing us into His character!
1 Cor 10:23  All things are lawful," but not all things are beneficial. "All things are lawful," but not all things build up.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Don't be under anyone's thumb!

Luke 12:10 and 11 according to 'me' He always gives you what you need from day to day.  If you make the Kingdom your primary concern........  Read for yourself and think how is He providing for you today?
Don't be under anyone's rule except Jesus'.  For He is the complete authority over the body of Christ. 
 We shall walk and fellowship with other Believers.  We are also to serve each others as Jesus served his apostles and the others the Father lead him to. 
Don't let human understanding take precedence over the living Word of Christ Jesus.  Count all things as good as they relate and live up to our Lord's teachings.
Just as the woman with the issue of blood pressed through the crowds.  We too press through our mind sets that reflect man's teachings and our ignorance of the Word. 
Therefore, do not be ignorant of the Word.  Study -- meditate to show yourself approved in Christ.  Continue to seek, knock and stand on what the Lord has given you.  Be transformed into His image and likeness!  Be transformed in a fashion of uniqueness with His power and grace.
As for me my salvation of healing occurred because I stripped myself of self worth, self-conscienceness --self assurance--shame!  The process of His love came in like the flooding at high tide during a storm and washed it all away!  My mind sets of traditional teachings and human expectations all washed away.  Love and forgiveness flowed like a river in and through me.  Then I was able to receive what He had for me.
Then I gave my "all" to Him who died for me leaving myself undone so that He could re-construct my spirit, body and mind.
Just as that experienced in May of 91 again I come stripping myself naked, leaving behind my mindsets and previous experiences, traditions and processes of my mind.  Giving Jesus my all an all...
As I write tears of love, joy and expectation of His infilling await a "New more complete Dianne"  ready to love ans serve first you Lord and then all those you are preparing to touch through me.
Mathew 4:10  according to 'me'  Worship only the Lord your God.  Obey Him only!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just Thinking

How often I think "why can't I live out my life alone wit God?--Just me and God.  Life for me would be so much simpler.  In my mind it would seem as if I would have a better relationship with my heavenly Father.
Yet I know for God to purify me--transform me into the image of His Son and grow into that place He has for me; there must be others in my life.  Yet I know at the time of "His kiss" that precise moment of His entrance in my body, mind and soul my crisis lifts and a view of heaven is revealed.  From that moment on I choose to act and be willing to change.  there is no going back a new life awaits me if I choose to accept the change.  it is a life style of continued walking--growing--pursuing God in "all " my ways.
It is God's plan for all of us to use our God encounter of deliverance--healings as a platform of hope, to reach others.  It is within relationships with others that we continue to grow!  It is within relationships with others that God can reach them!  In doing so we are finishing the process of wholeness. 
I look forward to hear what you think....maybe share some scripture on this matter!  Let us encourage each other:)

Monday, June 11, 2007


Look at my past track record in guiding our children in god's ways has its' pros and cons.  Mostly cons.  However, I find myself praying for their spiritual beings so that the goodness the Lord has placed within them will manifest in their lives. 


At one time non of our grown children were in a church family.  Now, all but one family has found a place to fellowship and worship.  Thank god for His work within them.  I pray for our grandchildren also.  For they like our children are effected by their parents' maturity in the Lord.


As I understand the scripture—me and my household will serve the Lord.  They too must understand that for themselves and their children.  Now I will confess that my decendants from generation to generation will serve Him and do mighty works for the Lord here on earth.


For His mercy and grace is upon them and flows thru them in their time of need!  I know I can not change them nor can I teach them any longer.   I can be an example and available for emotional support.  Most importantly, I can pray and lift them to the Lord knowing that He will be faithful to those who rely on Him.   I am ever thankful Lord for gathering your chicks and preparing them for a work you have designed for them specifically.


These are some scriptures I proclaim for our sons and daughters and grandchildren!


Isaiah 54:13 (per Dianne) My children are taught of the Lord and great is their peace.  My children are taught of the Lord as they grow old and great is their peace.


Psalm 112:2 (per Dianne)My children's descendants will be mighty on earth; generation of the upright will be blessed.


Luke 1:50  (per Dianne) His mercy is on those who fear (honor and worship) Him from generation to generation.


Stand for your family today…The Lord is waiting for you to declare their lives to Him!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Be still in My presence so that My Glory will be known..  Sit and be still and Know that I'm your God.  You have spent much time and effort on doing and looking to do that I have not had the opportunity to pour into you. 


So drift away into the dream land of My isolation and solitude.  There I'll bring fruit of refreshing—meat for strengthening--and water of cleansing shall be available to you. 


There is no need to exert any energy or mental anguish—Just come for I'm waiting to serve you—come I'm waiting to love you—Come I am totally yours, Come.  Receive your kiss from heaven.  Just Come!


Hosea 2 18-20 "…lie down in peace and safety, unafraid and I will bind you to me forever with chains of righteousness and justice and love and mercy.  I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, love and you will really know Me then as you never have before"  


In John 21 (after the resurrection) Peter was out on boat fishing.  He saw a fire on shore and jumped out of the boat and swam ashore.  Jesus was preparing a fire to cook and feed the men.  It was noted 153 large fish and the net did not break!  "Come and I have breakfast"  So they came and allowed Jesus to minister (serve) them.


The Spirit of the Lord is calling come; so our Father can love on us!  This is what the Lord is calling for us to do…Be in His presence.  Once we have achieved this personal quieting of our souls in Him; He will be able to fall amongst us corporately in all!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Healthy Tomato Plants

When I was young my uncle Tony, who lived in Silver Lake, taught me about how to grow juicy tomatoes. There was a whole process starting with 'preparing the way'—fertilizing the soil, aerating, etc. Then those tiny plants he began from seeds—he would carefully plant in the prepared soil and watch them grow. His tomatoes were the size of soft balls, juicy, meaty and satisfying to the pallet.

In John 15:1-2, I found some interesting comparisons to Uncle Tony's teaching.

I'm the vine and my father is the Gardner. He lops off every branch that doesn't produce.

As the plants grew and grew, some branches began to flower, others just grew larger and thicker then most. "See those larger thick branches under the budding branches? We are going to pinch them way back so they do not grow any longer. They take all the nutrition from the branches with the flowering buds that will produce the fruit."

I could not help but think that God our Father responds to us the same way. As we grow in Christ and begin to flower—begin to walk and talk as He would have us—He comes into our lives and begins to take those sucker branches off. Now the fruit will be able to grow. All the areas where we begin to grow—He takes away the sin and obstructions that hold us back from producing 'Great Fruit'. Notice He only removes those sucker branches that will stop growth. This could very well mean that some of our character defects remain for another time of pruning.

When I look back on my life I see He has done the same for me! The day of my healing the Lord took that sucker branch of sickness and then another branch of fowl language (cursing). All so that I could produce fruit of health and be able to produce fruit from the testimony of my lips.

Another important thing happened. He grafted me into His vine and stripped me from my husband's mortal vine! No longer do I place all my trust in my husband and have ungodly expectations for his performance. Now I am grafted into the eternal vine, the true vine of life.

As those tomatoes branches grew and the flowers and buds grew into maturity, Uncle Tony began pinching back those other little sucker branches and even some younger flowers on the same branch. This encouraged the more mature tomato on that branch to grow to the max in size and taste!

I have come to this understanding in my life's process with relationships. As I pursued what God had for me while at the same time reaching out to others, we all produced fruit. For whatever reason, circumstances severed those relationships. Possibly those relationships were becoming sucker branches to all parties! I believe for me to produce further fruit and to continue growing separation had to occur. At times like this we do not realize or understand the process. But as time passes and we continue to press into Him we produce—bigger fruit—other viable relationships develop so that more fruit can be produced.

John 15:2-3 He prunes those branches that bear fruit for even greater crops. He has already tended you by pruning you back for greater strength and usefulness by means of the commands I gave you.

All the while the soil is being tended to with proper nutrition. It has all the plant needs to grow, just as God the Father provides for His Son, Jesus. So as I live and breathe in Christ the Father continues to prune and nourish and free me.

I can not help but to think of a ministry we have now, to collect bread and disperse it into the community. For us personally it is coming to an end so God can further develop the fruit He has designed for us to produce in a greater way! Others will be stepping forward so that we may continue to advance also! This is also about the ever evolving nature of our Sunday gathering--to be open for God to pinch us so that the better fruit may be grown!

I don't want to be one of those wild plants—growing haphazardly; growing every which producing little fruit if any at all! No I want the Vine dresser and the sweet breeze of the Spirit to dress me and guide me as I take my nourishment from the true Vine—Jesus Christ.

May this writing inspire you to carry on in Christ and to produce His kind of fruit—allowing Him to address your vine!

John 15:7-11 If you stay in me and obey my commands you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted. My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings great glory to my Father. I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Live within my love When you obey me you are living in my love, just as I obey my Father and live in His love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your cup of joy will over flow!