Wednesday, February 11, 2009


 Did You Get Your HEALING NEWS?

Well the doctors may say it is incurable. You will have to live with the pain or live with the compromises the meds produce! That was the prognosis for me! The Good News was that God Heals. Jesus went to the cross to free me not only from sin but He also died for my sickness!

Psalms 107 19-20 tells us that the people cried to the Lord about their troubles and he saved them from their troubles. He sent His word and healed their disease and delivered them from destruction. You do know that even the Old Testament God promised to heal His people. Isaiah 57:19 Then words of praise will be on their lips. May they have peace, both near and far, for I will heal them all," says the LORD.

The Word tells us that God's word does not come back to him void. You can rehearse the Word aloud and remind Him of His promises of healing to you. Those words create fruit. They become His living word. Confessing God's Word is another way to fellowship with the Lord and increase your faith at the same time. For me, when I speak scripture into the air, I also put them into my own words and ask God for a better understanding of them so I can remain firmly rooted and grounded in those promises.

We are to be practicing God's word regularly. Just as the physician practices medicine regularly, you will grow in FAITH and grow in your healing. It will be life to your soul and healing to your body

There is a principle to understand here. Let us be a partaker of God's provisions concerning our healing. The most important principle is that of CALLING THINGS THAT ARE NOT. You will find in Romans 4:17-23 that Abraham became fully persuaded that God would do what He had promised. To me persuaded means He was convinced that those things would manifest even though in the natural it was impossible. God even changed Abram's name to Abraham meaning "Father of nations". God establishes His promises in the Word and we need to mix it with faith as Abraham did. Think about it. Every time God called Abraham, He was calling things into existence --those things that were NOT. Abraham did not deny his age either, yet he continued to proclaim he was going to be a Father of Nations!

Lord, may your Word go down deep within us producing much fruit. Whether it be healing, making right choices, or Living for you, we want abundant fruit so others may taste and see how great you are!


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