Monday, February 2, 2009


John 14:18
I will not leave you desolate; I will come to you
No, I will not abandon you as orphans – I will come to you
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.. KJV

Have you ever felt isolated or alone in this world? If you have, just remember you are never alone! Are you separated from the one you love? Has he or she passed on to be with the Lord? Have you ever been separated from a spouse through illness? Did you ever have a project to do and it seems like you have to do it all by yourself? Ever been in a crowded room and still felt isolated?

Imagine how alone the disciples felt when Jesus informed them He would soon ascend to Heaven and leave them behind on the earth!

What do you think the disciples felt when Jesus told them this? They must have wondered what will life be like without Jesus? How will we continue without the Master walking right alongside of us? But it was time for Jesus to ascend to the Father and take His place as our High Priest and Intercessor.

It was natural for the disciples to feel sorrowful. Feelings of insecurity and uncertainty would have been normal for any human beings who found themselves in the disciples' position. To them, it must have seemed like the end of their wonderful encounter with the Lord and with the power of God. With Jesus at their side, their lives had been filled with adventure, excitement, joy, victory, power, healings, and miracles. They had grown dependent upon the physical, visible presence of Jesus. We will never experience their loss of Jesus in the physical realm. However, we can relate to the loss they must have felt through other experiences.

In the midst of these fears, Jesus promised His disciples, "I will not leave you comfortless." (John 14:18). Comfortless, desolated or stranded as an orphan!

Just as children are dependent on their parents, these students were reliant on their teacher to teach them, to guide them, and to prepare them for life. But once the teacher abandoned them, they felt deserted, forsaken, discarded, and thrown away. I can understand this abandonment from a child and I can accept it from an adult.  If you have been fortunate you might have a spiritual mom and dad. However, as we become mature Christians we are not to rely, put all our trust in others, or look toward another for guidance for all our needs.

Jesus was a spiritual father to the disciples. He knew they were completely reliant upon Him. They could not make it on their own in the world without Him. This is why He promised them, "I will not leave you like orphans."  He has given us this same promise!  No one can take the place of Jesus; no one can take the place of the Holy Spirit or God our Father. 

You cannot make it on your own in this world either! You do not have to, because Jesus did not abandon you! He did not desert you, walk out on you, or throw you away. When He ascended to the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit to care for you, to guide you, and to teach you. Jesus did not leave you as an orphan in this world!

Consider this, meditate on it, and proclaim it as truth in your life:

I am not alone!
I am not a spiritual orphan.
Jesus has given me the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, counsel, and strengthen me in every situation of life!

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