Thursday, February 12, 2009

RESPONSE : Healing Wealth Part III

I remember when they first diagnosed me for the 2nd time with MS and there was
still no cure.  I was at Sheppard Air Force Base and consulting with a neurologist
about my options.  I had just suffered a miscarriage after my 1st husband & I had been married barely 10 months and were stationed in Oklahoma.
The doctor mentioned new drugs that they were experimenting with
and wanted to try them on me.  I was only 20 yrs. old but heard God's voice
say NO!  I kindly refused the drugs and settled for bed rest as much as possible.
After 7 yrs, I was a single mom, workng full time with 2 girls and enjoying life
to the fullest.  By my mid 30's God chose to heal me from any further episodes of
MS symthoms.  I continued to work a total of 22 years full time and my EverReady
battery keeps on going!  Keep on going!    Keep on going!    Keep on going!
Thanks for this message

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