Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Doctors or the Word

I want to address a very important topic!  You might be thinking that doctors are out of the question for me or us; or that I am preaching against those prescriptions or over the counter medicines.  Here is my advice.  If you must go to the doctor and if you must take his prescribed medicine and you have faith in your doctors and the medicines, then listen to them and get well. I do not believe you should depend on man alone. There are many diseases man cannot cure such as cancer or Crohn's disease.

For they are life to him who finds them, and healing to all his flesh.
Proverbs 4:22

Remember that the Word is the only medicine that can be taken without side effects.  It goes in, takes root, and produces results. 1 Peter2:24 tells us that by his wounds you have been healed. Healing is a fact as far as God is concerned and therefore, as far as I am concerned!  

If you are taking man's medicine, then mix it with your faith and confess that you receive your healing in the Name of Jesus! I have found that man's medicine did not cure me and it did not keep me healed. But the Word of God healed me and keeps me healed today.  When I was terminally ill, I found out all the ins and outs of the disease I was battling. I also knew about all the medicine they prescribed for me.  Most mask the disease in hopes that your body will heal itself!  If that is the case, then apply the Living Word to your circumstances!  

THERE IS NO COMDEMNATION IN CHRIST JESUS!  I do not advocate that you jump up and throw out all your medicines and stand on confession alone either. It takes time to renew your mind and develop faith. It did not take a day to get you where you are today, right? Unless you know that you know that medicines are not for you, continue to take them!  Do not let any man put shame, blame or doubt within you for your decisions either!  That goes for surgery also. Have the surgery and believe in a quick recovery!  Operate at the level of faith you have today and continue to grow up in the healing power of God's Word.

What I am trying to say is to use common sense and not to do foolish things because of spiritual pride and call it faith.  Remember pride comes before a fall.

When pride comes, then comes disgrace; but with the humble is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2  

Operating in these principles of faith is not easy. It takes discipline and commitment. I remember that I spent the first year of my healing in prayer and in study. I was out of the workforce for a very long time, and not doing much of anything. I took my time to get to know the Lord and learn about His healing power. I took much time meditating on the word.. I was imagining myself working for the Lord, imagining myself well and healthy doing fun things with my husband and children.  I even purchased Integrity scripture music to sing and recite over and over again. It was not necessary for me to boast about what I was doing to others, or to rehearse these scriptures with others.  It was most important to do it with the Lord Himself because it was for myself.

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